My husband had knee replacement surgery and I bought this for him. Not only did he love it and thought it made a difference, his surgeon also was amazed at how well he healed up. Now he uses it for all kinda of scraps and cuts. It's now a staple in our house!
After using the pinion rescue balm for a couple weeks, I have decided it really is the best on dry cracked skin! My hands and feet crack due to dry air here in the desert. I do believe this rescue is best of all I have tried from BRC and other sources! You rub in nitely on your feet, that also gets it on the ends if your dry fingers! Mine have stopped cracking! A miracle! Thanks Robin😁👍
I think it's a good healer. However I also have healing foot balm and the arnica, turmeric, cbd balm and both of those are great healers fir dry cracked or injured skin also. Thx for all 3!
I have quite a few of these. They all smell amazing and the scent lasts! Have tried Jackson, Forrest, Santa Fe, Mitch, Tension Release and Headache Release and we love them all! Highly recommend!